Module 5

configuration software included

(1/2 DAY)

Target group

This training module is designed for technicians commissioning or maintaining an MD780 gas & CO detection system.

Prior knowledge

Trainees will have a good basic knowledge of electricity.

Purpose of training

The MD780 basic training course is a theoretical & practical course for commissioning, testing and maintaining an MD780 gas and CO detection system.

During the training course, the trainee is introduced to the various components of the MD780 gas and CO detection centre and the associated gas and CO detectors. He will be able to correctly connect, test and maintain an MD780 control panel and the detectors.

Trainees who have registered for the "MD780 Basic training including configuration software" course will receive the necessary explanation of the customised programming of the MD780 gas & CO detection control unit after the basic training.

Agenda MD780 - 1

INITIAL TRAINING (13h00 to 16h00)

  • General principle of Gas & CO detection
  • Composition of the MD780 Gas& CO detection unit
  • Connecting the MD780 Gas& CO detection central unit
  • Various screens and menus of the MD780 Gas& CO detection unit.
  • Explanation of the default programming of the MD780 control unit
  • Procedure for commissioning, testing and maintaining an MD780 gas and CO detection system
  • An MD780 Gas & CO detection unit is provided for each 2 trainees. Trainees can practice the various operations that must be carried out during commissioning or maintenance of an MD780 system.

Agenda MD780 - 2


  • General principle of Gas & CO detection
  • Composition of the MD780 Gas& CO detection unit
  • Connecting the MD780 Gas& CO detection central unit
  • Various screens and menus of the MD780 Gas& CO detection unit.
  • Explanation of the default programming of the MD780 control unit
  • Procedure for commissioning, testing and maintaining an MD780 gas and CO detection system
  • An MD780 Gas & CO detection unit is provided for each 2 trainees. Trainees can practice the various operations that must be carried out during commissioning or maintenance of an MD780 system.
  • Basic functions of the MD780 configuration software
  • Customised programming of the MD780 gas and CO detection unit
  • During the training, the connection between the trainee's computer and an MD780 control centre is tested. To ensure this test runs smoothly, the trainee shall provide a computer with the MD780 configuration software, an active MD780 licence file and the necessary accessories for connecting to the MD780 gas and CO detection central unit (RS232/USB converter, serial cable, etc.).

IMPORTANT: no software will be installed and/or licence file created on the day of training. These things will be taken care of by the trainee before the day of the training! To guide you in this, the trainee will receive a message several days before the training with the installation files of the MD780 configuration software and a manual with the necessary instructions.

Evaluation & Training certificate

At the end of this MD780 initial training course, the knowledge acquired will be evaluated by means of a theoretical test. Trainees achieving a score of at least 60% will receive the certificate “MD780 – Initial Training” a few days after the training.

All training courses

MODULE 1 : MD2400/MD2400L - initial training
MD2400/MD2400L - customised programmation

MD2400/MD2400L - specific training

MD2400SA - initial training
MD780 - initial training
MD2400SA - quick guide
MODULE 7 : MD2400 - infosession generation 3

Register for a training course.

Fill in the form, the person in charge of training will contact you